Targeted case management is an essential approach that provides coordinated and personalized support to individuals with complex needs. TCM acts as a bridge, connecting clients to essential resources and services that they may not be aware of or have difficulty accessing independently. Targeted case management offers individualized support and intervention to clients with various needs. This approach focuses on identifying specific barriers to access services. Case managers work closely with other service providers in the use interventions strategies tailored to address each client’s unique circumstances to access community resources. These are the most important goals of providing case management services to clients in need.
Benefits of Targeted case management (TCM):
Personalized support: TCM offers personalized support and services to individuals that are tailored to their unique needs and circumstances, providing a more effective approach to their care.
- Improved coordination: TCM helps to improve the coordination of services and care among different providers, resulting in better communication, reduced duplication of services, and improved outcomes.
- Increased access to resources: TCM helps individuals access a wide range of community resources and services, including medical care, housing, food assistance, and transportation.
- Enhanced quality of life: TCM helps individuals address social determinants of health, such as mental health, substance abuse, and social isolation, which can lead to an improved quality of life.
- Cost-effectiveness: TCM has been found to be cost-effective in reducing hospitalization rates, emergency department visits, and overall healthcare costs by ensuring that individuals receive necessary care in a timely and appropriate manner.